The story of Non Nobis Prod.
(My Kingdom of Madness)
Non Nobis Prod. story began in the late 80’s when 2 juveniles began tape trading and importing records and tapes to sell in their local community. By 1992 the project grew to became a mail-order and a record label. During the first years Non Nobis Prod. were managed by me (Carlos Faria) and Diamantino Fernades, a Templar “aficionado” who gave the name to this label after the Templar hymn “Non Nobis Domine”, we lived in Tomar the Portuguese Templar city, so it was a natural choice.
As a label Non Nobis prod. released a few tapes and 2 CDs during the 90’s. As a mail-order Non Nobis Prod. created a catalog of imports from leading underground labels like Osmose Prod., Misanthropy, Candle Light, Displeased Rec., Holy Rec., Adipocere Rec, Lion rec. … for a while we were the biggest mail-order of the country (excluding those who were both mail-order and physical shop).
By mid 90’s Diamantino as a devoted catholic, showed his dislike about the amount of black Metal we were selling. None of us were into Black Metal at all but I didn’t mind selling it, but Diamantino… he couldn’t cope with it and left Non Nobis Prod.

In 1998, for various reasons, the Non Nobis Prod. adventure was put on hold. In fact there is no activity of the label from 1998 to 2003 apart from some record and CD trading whose only goal was to feed my own record collection. By 2004\2005 Non Nobis Prod. when into ebay and Discogs (a bit later) as new and second hand record trader. In fact it was like I if have retracted to my initial activity, but this time with the help of Internet!
From 2005 to 2012, Non Nobis Prod. activity was mainly buying and selling records on-line but during those years I decided to silently rebuilt the record label’s image and intensively study the market and regaining a network of contacts, always on the prowl getting ready to be back in the business.
In Mid 2012 I felt the time was right to get back in action! Non Nobis Prod. for the second time in history mutated from a small mail-order into a record label.
The years I spent in low profile studying the market and regaining connections paid off and the last 5 years were remarkable the growth of this project went over my best expectations and today Non Nobis Prod. became a small group of services that go behound regular record releasing and on-line mail order.
Non Nobis Prod. taday stands for a:
Record Label – Specialized in Traditional Heavy Metal, Portuguese Metal in particular, distributed worldwide physically and in digital format by some of the best independent distributors.
Distribution - A service we offer to bands and smaller labels. Bands who want to release their music independently, but need distribution, labels who can't reach as many clients as we do… Some of these bands benefit from our promotion and booking services as well.
Mail-order & on-line shop – Apart from having one of the best on-line shops of the Portuguese underground, Non Nobis is maybe the only Portuguese label of is kind present in Ebay, Discogs, CDandLP, Amazon (Us, Germany and UK) , MusicStack, Bandcamp…
Booking – Our initial idea was to let bands organize their shows with little or no interference from us, but soon we learned that managers are few and unexperienced, booking agencies were almost inexistent, so we decided to create this booking service for the bands who sign with us and ask for that service. Note that we only book in Portugal (the first Spanish connections are being done now) and it is a pro bono service!
CD, vinyl, cassette manufacturing – When spend more than 20 years taking all kinds of crap from CD\ vinyl brokers, when you realize that now-a-days most CD and Vinyl manufacturers don’t understand the underground\ indie music market… where can you go? What can you do? That’s right! If what is in the market don’t sweat your needs and of those around you, your only option is to grab the opportunity and became yourself a vinyl, CD broker. That new Non Nobis Prod. Service is giving now his first steps and… So far so good!
We spent the last 5 years innovating, working hard but most of all enjoying every minute we spend here listening to Metal and creating history. Non Nobis as said before is a Latin term that comes from a 16th century Templar hymn. It means “Not for us”. This is not just a funny name, this is the base of our Philosophy. We work hard to help bands and make music available to the metal fans all over the world. Our goals are the satisfaction of bands who work with us and customers who buy from us.
Carlos Faria
Non Nobis Prod.
Physycal Distribution
- Benelux - Rock Inc.
- UK\ Eire - Code7
- Portugal\ Spain - Lusitanian Music
- Rest of the World - Plastic Head

Digital Distribution

Non Nobis Prod.
A/c. - Carlos Miguel Faria
Rua Sao Jose a Charneca
Vivenda Maia 2
1750-283 Lisboa - Portugal
Email - info[at]nonnobisprod[dot]com
Phone: +351 916264365